日本就醫網 2018-07-18 16:36:28發布




順天堂大學醫學部附屬順天堂醫院 泌尿器科






1985年東京大學醫學部醫學系 畢業

1985年東京大學醫學部附屬醫院急救部 研修醫

1986年東京大學醫學部附屬醫院泌尿科 助手

1988年~1991年美國德克薩斯大學 研究員(腎臟學、移植醫療)


1998年東京大學醫學部 講師

2002年杏林大學醫學部泌尿科研究室 助教授

2003年帝京大學醫學部泌尿科研究室 主任教授

2012年~至今順天堂大學研究生院醫學系研究泌尿外科研究室 教授



?Permanent Certificate Educational Commission of Foreign Medical Graduates, The United States of America.

?日本泌尿器科學會 【指導醫】

?日本腎臟學會 【指導醫】



?厚生勞動省 醫生考核委員

?醫道審議會 醫生分科會專門委員


?文部科學省 大學設置?學校法人審議會專門委員(大學設置分科會)

?千葉縣 健康千葉地域?職域聯合推進協議會 委員


?財団法人日本腎臟財團 CKD対策推進委員會委員

?日本醫生協會 醫生賠償保險調查委員會專門委員 等


?亞洲太平洋前立腺學會 【理事長】

?日本Men's Health醫學會 【理事長】







?日本抗衰老醫學會 等



?第3回 日本泌尿器科學會賞平成7年4月

?First Prize in Research, 1991 Research Fellow Contest, Fellowship Program. National Kidney Foundation/American Society of Nephrology.

?ベストプロフェッサー賞 平成26年度 順天堂大學醫學部


?標準泌尿器科學 編集 醫學書院



?ホルモン力が人生を変える (小學館101新書 23)

?男性の病気の手術と治療―診察室では聞けない前立腺?ED?がんの心得 (おとなのための醫學読本)かまくら春秋社

?ヤル気がでる! 最強の男性醫療 (文春新書 919)



1. Horie S, Moe O, Tejedor A, Alpern RJ : Preincubation in acid medium increases Na/H antiporter activity in cultured renal proximal tubule cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87:4742-4745, 1990

2. Horie S, Moe O, Miller RT, Alpern RJ: Long-term activation of protein kinase C causes chronic Na/H antiporter stimulation in cultured proximal tubule cells. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 89: 365-372, 1992

3. Benjamin I, Horie S, Greenberg ML, Alpern RJ, Williams RS: Induction of stress proteins cultured myogenic cells. Molecular signals for the activation of heat shock transcription factor during ischemia. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 89:1685-1689, 1992

4. Horie S, Moe O, Yamaji Y, Cano A, Miller RT, Alpern RJ: Role of protein kinase C and transcription factor AP-1 in the acid-induced increase in Na/H antiporter activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 89:5236-5240, 1992

5. Horie S, Higashihara E, Nutahara K, Mikami, Okubo A, Kano M, Kawabe K: Mediation of renal cyst formation by hepatocyte growth factor. Lancet 344: 789-791, 1994

6. Horie S, Kano M, Higashihara E, Moriyama N, Tanaka E, Hirose A, Kakizoe T, Kawabe K : Expression of Fas in renal cell carcinoma. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 27:384-388, 1997

7. Horie S, Tobisu K, Fujimoto H, Doi N, Kakizoe T : Urinary incontinence following non nerve-spared radical prostatectomy with neoadjuvant androgen deprivation. Urology 53:561-567, 1999

8. Horie S, Aruga S, Kawamata S, Okui N, Kakizoe T, Kitamura T : Biological role of HGF/MET pathway in renal cell carcinoma. The Journal of Urology 161:990-997, 1999

9. Muto S, Horie S, Takahashi S, Tomita K, and Kitamura T : Genetic and epigenetic alterations in normal bladder epithelium in patients with metachronous bladder cancer. Cancer Research 60:4021-4025, 2000

10. Muto S, Aiba A, Saito Y, Nakao K, Nakamura K, Tomita K, Kitamura T, Kurabayashi M, Nagai R, Higashihara E, Harris PC, Katsuki M, Horie S : Pioglitazone improves the phenotype and molecular defects of a targeted Pkd1 mutant. Human Molecular Genetics 11:1731-1742, 2002

11. Azuma H, Ehata S, Miyazaki H, Watabe T, Maruyama O, Imamura T, Sakamoto T, Kiyama S, Kiyama Y, Ubai T, Inamoto T, Takahara S, Itoh Y, Otsuki Y, Katsuoka Y, Miyazono K, Horie S : Effect of Smad7 expression on metastasis of mouse mammary carcinoma JygMC(A) cells. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 97:1734-46, 2005

12. Horie S. ADPKD: molecular characterization and quest for treatment. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 9:282-291, 2005

13. Horie S. Symptoms and Treatment of Andropause. The Japan Medical Association Journal 49:382-384, 2006

14. Muto S, Katsuki M, Horie S : Rapid induction of skin tumors in human but not mouse c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene transgenic mice by chemical carcinogenesis. Cancer Science 97:842-847, 2006

15. Muto S, Katsuki M, Horie S: Decreased c-kit function inhibits enhanced skin carcinogenesis in c-Ha-ras protooncogene transgenic mice. Cancer Science 98:1549-1556, 2007

16. Muto S, Kamiyama Y, Ide H, Okada H, Saito K, Nishio K, Tokiwa S, Kaminaga T, Furui S, Horie S: Real-time MRI of Orthotopic ileal neobladder voiding: preliminary findings. European Urology 53:363–369, 2008

17. Yasuda M, Ide H, Furuya K, Yoshii T, Nishio K, Saito K, Isotani S, Kamiyama Y, Muto S, Horie S. Salivary 8-OHdG: a useful biomarker for predicting severe ED and hypogonadism. Journal of Sexual Medicine 5:1482-91, 2008.

18. Ide H, Yu J, Lu Y, China T, Kumamoto T, Koseki T, Muto S, Horie S. Testosterone augments polyphenol-induced DNA damage response in prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP. Cancer Sci. 2011 Feb;102(2):468-71.

19. Horie S, Ito S, Okada H, Kikuchi H, Narita I, Nishiyama T, Hasegawa T, Mikami H, Yamagata K, Yuno T, Muto S. Japanese guidelines of the management of hematuria 2013. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2014 Oct;18(5):679-89.

20. Muto S, Kawano H, Higashihara E, Narita I, Ubara Y, Matsuzaki T, Ouyang J, Torres VE, Horie S. The effect of tolvaptan on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients: a subgroup analysis of the Japanese patient subset from TEMPO 3:4 trial. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2015 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]

21. Chapman AB, Devuyst O, Eckardt KU, Gansevoort RT, Harris T, Horie S, Kasiske BL, Odland D, Pei Y, Perrone RD, Pirson Y, Schrier RW, Torra R, Torres VE, Watnick T, Wheeler DC; Conference Participants. Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD): executive summary from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int. 2015 Jul;88(1):17-27.

